
I’m working in a different area.

What does one do when one has worked in the same department for so long and all of a sudden everything is…


It is true what they say. You do know when it’s time to leave and change. That leaving will be difficult because everything will be……


I’m still nursing, BUT, I know what’s coming. I have a number of tasks to complete for every patient. I know they’ll show up at a certain time and they’ll go home the same day. I’m slowly finding my rhythm but still wait for the ambulance phone, and the swish of the auto doors, the beeping alarms of the monitors and the excruciatingly high decibel noise level.


I stood in the Day Surgery hallway Friday morning at 0630 and closed my eyes. No crying, shouting, talking, flushing, or beeping. Just the hum of the fluorescent lights, the gentle swish of the curtains on an open window and the distant ding of our ancient elevator arriving filled my ears.


I think I’m going to like it here.