
Apple is one versatile fruit!!
In our house they disappear faster than I can buy them but luckily we live near a farm that has year-round, temperature-controlled storage so the apples stay crisp/fresh until almost the next crop is available.
Strudel, pie, sauce, fritter, cake, dumpling, muffin, cookie, cheesecake……the list is endless. It’s one of those fruits that works well in savoury dishes as well as sweet. I’m not a fan of fruit with meat/vegetables but so many dishes combine these two. Pork chops and loin roast dripping in an apple glaze, or pork stew with chunks of caramelized apple and garlic.
BROWNIES! I forgot to mention brownies……and I have an amazing recipe for them.
Years ago, I found the recipe in a Best of Bridge Cookbook when I was looking for something different make with the apples we had hanging around. It does use a lot of sugar but honestly, it just doesn’t turn out right if you substitute.
Apples!!! It doesn’t matter which way you use them, their multitude of varieties and textures and sweetness will never let you or your dishes down!
Enjoy the recipe!!