
Baking is different from Cooking.
I love the preciseness of baking. The measuring, scooping, pouring, cutting of and mixing ingredients is satisfying somehow. I know that if I follow the recipe exactly as its written chances of it working out are fairly good.
Cooking is more abstract to me. A pound of this, a dash of that, leave it on for an hour or two or add some more seasoning at the end of cooking if you want. You can experiment a ton when cooking.
Baking has it’s snippets of swaying from what’s written but, it’s mostly to add a different nut or chocolate chip to the one they suggest, or to use lime instead of lemon. The basic chemical composition of the recipe stays the same.
I could bake from the time I get up till the time I run out of ingredients and it is the science of the combination of the ingredients that inspires me to continue. It also feeds my love of the smell of the house being permeated with cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, yeast, butter etc……no artificial air freshener can match that aroma.
If only I had someone to clean up the dishes after I’m through.