

Pastry, pie crust, pie dough……. I have struggled with this form of baking since I started baking with my Mum. Seriously, the best pie crust pastry came out of her kitchen at any given time. She throws all the ingredients in her bowl, uses her 



I’ve been asked to share some savoury recipes! I’m into simple cooking. Good ingredients with a minimum of prep and fuss. My savoury recipes can be found in the “Links” menu at the bottom of the webpage for now. I’m in the process of developing 



I went on a fruit buying drive this morning! I spent a few hours combing what the region had to offer and settled on a few baskets of various varieties of Niagara’s bounty. Peaches are just starting, plums both purple and yellow have arrived  and 



NOUN- a dessert made of fruits cooked with sugar and or spices.  Do you ever go and buy a few baskets of peaches, flats of strawberries/raspberries or too many pints of blueberries and have them sit on your counter…only to move them to the fridge 



June is my second favourite time of the Niagara fruit belt growing season. This area is renowned for its grapes…but then prior to that, in somewhat rapid succession, are all the other choices of fruit that grow so well here. Strawberries grow low to the 



Here’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever written one….the world would be less sweet if lemons didn’t exist! Lemons are and always will be a staple in my baking and cooking repertoire. They provide a much needed acidity for those sickly sweet icings, cakes and sauces 



Oatmeal cookies can make the worst day so much better. An extremely lumpy, sticky, sugary, chocolate-dotted batter almost tastes as good raw as it does baked. (not advisable…but….) The smell when they’re baking could sell your house in 5 minutes! I like my cookies chewy, 



A cheesecake brings certain memories to mind whenever I hear or read the word. Thick, ricotta and egg laden richness all whipped and enveloped by a pastry-like crust baked to form a slice of absolute decadence is one type. Think New York style. Light cream 



When you are in love with cake, the covering becomes just as important to the end product and just as challenging. After countless tries with tons of different recipes, I have found my buttercream go-to.  It pipes well, colours easily and you can flavour it 



Everyone has a favourite cake. It will either be the flavour, the presentation or the person who bakes it that constitutes the favouritism. I do love cake and confess to being a bit of a cake snob. It has to be made with glorious butter,