
Here’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever written one….the world would be less sweet if lemons didn’t exist!
Lemons are and always will be a staple in my baking and cooking repertoire. They provide a much needed acidity for those sickly sweet icings, cakes and sauces that we religiously bathe our baked goods in.
And flavour….wow………
I love icing sugar, grated rind and lemon juice drizzled over a plain pound cake, or a more complex lemon zesting to compliment a muffin, cake or cookie that needs to cut the sugar a bit.
Lemon goes with most fruits and veg, it is great to compliment chicken and fish and I read recently that one famous cooks’ steak is liberally sprinkled with lemon pepper before and while grilling.
Mouth watering…….
I’ve included my Lemon Blueberry Muffins and the famous Lemon Squares already…I will add more lemon as I scour my cards and recipes.
If you would like an infusion of lemon daily, I highly recommend a hot lemon in the morning and before bed. Squeeze a lemon into your favourite cup, pour boiling water over it and drink. If you’re needing a bit of sweetness to get it down, a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup does the trick…sprinkle in some cinnamon as well.