

NOUNa particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Everyone has their own perspective on what constitutes an Emergency. Yesterday, while cleansing a hand laceration post suturing, my phone rang in my pocket.

Thankfully, our ER had been filled with ‘”walking wounded” and non urgent medical problems. Sore ears/throat, rashes, bumps and bruises( after a big snowfall) and non-specific aches and pains.

From my perspective, a manageable tolerable day. From the patients’ perspective, the worst day of their lives for any number of reasons. A family  who’s vacation was “absolutely ruined” because antibiotics were not given and alternative medicine was chosen for a ear infection. A young man upset because he missed a day’s work waiting 4 hours in our ER for “2 puny little stitches?!”

Back to the phone ringing in my pocket….”Hey Mom! Can you believe it? Tara is on her way to the hospital in T.O. She may have her double lung transplant today!”

Perspective: true understanding of the relative importance of things.