
June is my second favourite time of the Niagara fruit belt growing season. This area is renowned for its grapes…but then prior to that, in somewhat rapid succession, are all the other choices of fruit that grow so well here.
Strawberries grow low to the ground, are nestled in straw and require a fairly good back to harvest. (or knees depending on your picking stance.) Memories of running through the rows, sticky-faced and delirious on the smell and taste of the ripened fruit will stay with me forever. I’m not quite sure how many me or my sisters managed to get into a flat for Mum, but the freezer would be full of jam for us to spread on toast well into the winter months.
I again marvel at the tasks completed by the working housewife of yesteryear. I find it difficult to even manage a trip to the farm to sheepishly purchase an already picked flat of red gloriousness to take home….(eating a pint in the car on the way home of course).
Enjoy your strawberries while they last…use the Tea Biscuit recipe here, add a few tablespoons of sugar to the batter or sprinkle some course sugar on top of them after a brushing of milk. I whip fresh cream with vanilla/sugar and serve individual shortcakes for a quick, easy dessert. The simple ingredients really showcase the berries…after all, that’s what its all about!
Happy June!