

Sometimes it takes just the smallest of actions to renew one’s belief that they belong where they are. Nursing through a pandemic has proven to be the most unsettled two years of my career. The decisions were soul-searching and the conclusions were position-changing. My proverbial 



You asked and I’m back. This past year has been one of many challenges for everyone. The pandemic continues but hopefully we’ve seen the backside of the restrictions that kept us locked in, secluded and craving our ‘normal’ lives. Back in the Spring, I made 



an-tic-i-pa-tion NOUN -the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction. Emergency Nursing causes one to be in a constant state of anticipation. It can be both a positive and negative feeling and evokes a variety of physical and mental characteristics in each individual nurse. In 



5 letters and 2 numbers have changed absolutely everything in our personal and professional lives as nurses. Since the emergence of this catastrophic viral infection, the world has literally been reeling to find ways to fight, contain and eliminate it. The difference with this virus 



Recently I heard of the passing of a colleague. Emergency Medical Services personnel are a special breed of people. These men and women are compassionate, knowledgeable, caring individuals required to be almost robotic during any number of horrific encounters or situations they find themselves in 



I’m not one for getting vocal about politics but this week the world has seen what conjecture, assumption and misinformation can do to bring out both the worst and best in the nursing profession. Last week an American senator decided to voice her opinion on 



Trans-fer INTRANSITIVE VERB: to move to a different place, region or situation. Yes, I moved departments…… again! Nursing provides us with so many options to spread our wings and discover a multitude of experiences. Uncertainty about my income over the last couple of months, as well 



November is a month to reflect on how very lucky we are to live in a country like Canada! I always spend some time looking back at what nursing was like for those brave souls who volunteered during the conflicts we were a part of 



In Emergency Medicine, you first meet patients on the worst possible day of their life. They have come to you for help, an explanation, some comfort, a second opinion or just to have someone  hear them. And we do. One of the most useful senses 



In-tra-ve-nous ADJECTIVE: existing or taking place within, or administered into, a vein or veins. A large part of my work day in both the ED and now in Same Day Surgery (SDS) revolves around the insertion of an intravenous device in order that we may