
One of the most beloved of spices around the world in both sweet and savoury cooking, is cinnamon. I always remember hearing that in order to sell your house, you should be baking something with cinnamon in it the day of your open house!
Not truer words were spoken.
Cinnamon evokes feelings of joyous, mouthwatering-anticipation of what’s to come once your creation is completed.
Buns, apple pie, cookies, breads and the stews, sauces and roasts of the Middle East, Asia and Africa, all use some form of cinnamon to complete their dishes. It comes in two forms that I know of. Sticks and ground. Although expensive, it should be a staple in every kitchen.
One of my family’s favourite ways to consume this spice is in a cinnamon roll. A warm, sweet yeast bread dough shaped into rolls swirled with butter, brown sugar , nuts and ,of course, cinnamon and baked to a golden brown. I like to paint the hot buns with a mixture of corn syrup and water to give them a shiny outer surface. Once they’ve cooled, a slightly runny icing of milk, cinnamon and icing sugar is poured over the top.
I’ve tried loads of different recipes but always come back to the one found in a ratty old Canadian Living magazine in my collection of torn out gems. I’ll share it here.
If you have a day where you have nothing else to accomplish, get out the yeast, mixer, flour and cinnamon and give them a try. The work involved is worth it.
Put on the kettle!